A school bus ride in upstate New York turns cruel and causes nationwide outrage when three Greece Athena Middle School students start ridiculing  68-year-old bus monitor Karen Klein.
The boys taunt her, call her fat, ask her where she lives so they can urinate and defecate on her house, talk about stabbing her, ask her is she rapes little kids and tell her that her family should kill themselves.
The suicide comment hit a nerve and Klein broke down in tears. Ten years prior, Klein’s eldest son committed suicide.
Klein, who is a widow and grandmother of eight, tells the boys to “live with integrity,” but they apparently have no concept of the term.
One of the young bullies records the entire incident on his phone.
The video has caused on outpouring of support for Klein. Â A facebook page called “Kindness for Karen” has been set up for people to offer kind words of support.
A campaign was set up on Indiegogo.com for Klein, a  23-year school district veteran,  and had raised more than $99,000 early Thursday.
The video was turned over to school authorities who called the scene “inexcusable;” however, they say they also have to take the children’s safety into account saying, “we urge patience to allow us to investigate and determine the appropriate discipline.”
Klein told the Democrat and Chronicle that she hopes the boys are “grounded all summer,” and that she just wants an apology.
Drivers, what do you think the boy’s punishment should be, 100 hours of community service, cleaning homeless shelter bathrooms for a year?