0.7 C
New York

New Law Will Fine Truckers For Failing To Remove Snow and Ice From Trucks


Effective December 31, truck drivers in Connecticut who fail to remove ice and/or snow from their trucks will be subject to fines.

According to FoxCT, drivers who fail to clear snow or ice from the hood, truck or roof will face a minimum fine of $75.  If ice and/or snow falls from a truck and damages another vehicle or property, the fine will range form $500-$1,250.

In addition, “the fines will carry penalty of a motor vehicle infraction,” FoxCT reported.

Mike Riley, Motor Transport Association of Connecticut, advises drivers to invest in a Rowe Roof Rake.

The roof rake is a collapsable aluminum rake and was developed by a Michigan truck driver.  The rake sells for $144.

Follow this link to purchase a Rowe Roof Rake. 

This Week in Trucking
