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New York

Notorious Trucker Spy Sentenced, Will Not Face Jail Time


On June 30, 2010, Joseph John Volpe, otherwise known as the “Trucker Spy,” was driving slowly on a Chatanooga highway, recording truck drivers, when a truck driven by Bruce Johnson came up behind Volpe’s slow moving car.

Volpe then got behind Johnson’s truck and Johnson tapped on his brakes.  A short time later, Volpe fired a shot into Johnson’s truck.  The bullet struck the driver’s head rest, narrowly missing Johnson’s head.

Volpe was arrested and charged with attempted second-degree murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and reckless endangerment.

In May of 2013, Volpe was convicted of attempted second-degree murder. He faced a prison sentence of 8 to 12  years.

Last week, Volpe learned his fate.  He will not face hard jail time. Instead, he will head to a Tennessee state work house for the next year.

In addition, he has been ordered to pay $17,500 restitution in $250 monthly payments to Johnson until the full restitution has been paid.

Volpe is well known by drivers for his “Watch My Truck” YouTube channel.  On the channel, he posts videos of truck drivers behaving badly and even sends copies of the videos to the carriers.  Volpe has made it his life’s work to expose bad drivers and cast a bad light on the trucking industry.

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcUv3cfKZhM&feature=share&list=PL992C80CF93EE817F”]



This Week in Trucking
