ONE20 Inc. has announced that they are going out of business and that their ELD devices and apps will soon be non-functional.
As of June 18, 2018, ONE20 Inc., founded by Christian Schenk, will no longer be updating or supporting their ELD devices or apps, according to the company’s website.
The announcement comes just days after ONE20 announced that they would be selling off a number of their assets to for an undisclosed amount of money to TruckThat, an online driver community.
From ONE20’s website:
We launched ONE20 Inc. in 2015 as a way for drivers to get access to the tools they need to do what they do, without spending an arm and leg. We gave it our best shot.
On June 18, 2018 ONE20 Inc. will be ceasing operations. We wish it wasn’t true but sometimes you win and sometimes you take one on the nose. This time it’s our turn.
Your ONE20 apps (ONE20 Maps, My ONE20 and ONE20 F-ELD) will NOT continue to work. We won’t be doing any updates or offering any support.
We’ll miss you and hope that you all continue to support each other the way you always have. Who knows, maybe we’ll meet again down the road.
Keep it rubber side down,
The ONE20 Team
The ONE20 assets sold to TruckThat include Online Tire MN, Tire Member, One20 BNK, One20 Strong, One20 Trucking, CLS Developments.