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New York

Driver locks thief in back of delivery truck during attempted robbery, shooting


A delivery driver attempted to lock a thief in the back of the same truck he stole from during a robbery outside of a convenience store.

The robbery happened  last week, in Memphis, Tennessee, but police did not release photos of the suspects until Monday, December 28th. 

According to News Channel 3, the truck driver was making a delivery to the Valero at Airways and Raines  when he noticed a man had jumped in the back and was attempting to make out with cartons of cigarettes. The delivery driver then jumped into action, locking the man in the back of the truck. 

A second thief then drew a gun and began shooting at the delivery driver, driving him away long enough to get the truck door open himself. The two then fled the scene on foot, carton of cigarettes still in hand. 

Luckily, the driver was not hurt in the incident, but police are still searching for the suspects, and locals say that the delivery driver might have been too brave for his own good. 

“I would have let him gone do what he did. Call 911. Hey, it’s better than losing your life,” said local Nicholas Galloway.

“What if the dude with the gun would have shot him? He would have lost his life. You got kids to go home to. Over cigarettes? You can have that (stuff). Call the law. That’s what the police job for.”

Anyone with information about the incident is urged to please call Crime Stoppers at 901-528-CASH.

This Week in Trucking
