-0.7 C
New York

“Virus shut out” necklaces confiscated from rig crossing into Arizona


A truckload full of necklaces apparently intended to fend off COVID19 was seized at the Arizona, Mexico border recently. 

The incident happened on April 16th, but was not released to the public until Thursday, May 27th. 

According to Border Report, the truck was traveling through the Nogales, Arizona border checkpoint when agents realized the nature of the cargo. 

The 30,000 “virus shut out” necklaces are lanyards with blue packets of chlorine dioxide attached – a chemical which can cause “severe breathing problems.” The packaging boasts several cautionary statements, including not to place the product “in your underwear,” but claims to create “anti viral clouds” around the user to prevent COVID 19. 

“In addition to posing potential health and safety hazards, counterfeit goods are often of inferior quality,” agents wrote in a news release. “Peeling labels, low-quality ink or printing errors on the packaging, and loosely packed items in the box can be signs that the product you purchased may not be legitimate.”

The made-in-China necklaces have an estimated value of about half a million dollars.

This Week in Trucking
