1 C
New York

Trucking company covers weekly personal trainer but only office workers seem to make it


Trucking company covers weekly personal trainer for its employees two times a week, but it appears as if only the officer workers can make the workout times.

Marcus Sibley, the owner of a trucking company in Maine, has made a pledge to cover the cost of twice weekly workout sessions with a personal trainer for each of his employees. However, timing of the sessions occurs during the workday, meaning most of the truckers at the company are likely unable to make it.

Being in our business is very stressful when it comes to managing problems almost by the minute. So the major thing we deal with with drivers on the road is sometimes health problems,” Sibley said in an interview as several of his dispatchers and other office employees worked out in the background.

“Yeah it does help a lot,” said Donald, a dispatcher at the company. “Takes your mind off of any problems or issues you might have. Takes your mind off it while you’re sweating and trying to push the weight.”

Sibley says he intends to help with his employee’s mental health with the offer of free personal training.

This Week in Trucking
