Tag: Flood

Video: Truck vs Flood

A truck plows through a flooded road.

Photo Set: Flooding Submerges Rigs In Many States

We've seen so many photos of flooding this week - including a number of submerged trucks. Check out this set of CDLLife reader submitted photos.

Ohio Flooding Damages CDLLife Reader’s Rig

OHIO: CDLLife reader, Edward Garza’s truck was damaged earlier this month (on May 5th). He found his rig like this after returning from his hometime to the Avon, Ohio Pilot.

VIDEO: Freightliner Crossing Flooded Road

This Freightliner plows right on through.

VIDEO: Driving Through Flooded Out Road

According to the driver's description, the water was 4' deep. How deep is too deep on a flooded road?

VIDEO: Colorado Fire Truck Driving Through Flood Waters

This video is of a fire truck driving through flood waters in Longmont, Colorado.

VIDEO: Truck Driver Thinks He Can Make It Through Flood Waters

He almost made it through the flood waters.

VIDEO: Flooding Covers Alberta Highway

Floodwaters wash out roads and bridges, strand travelers and force residents from their homes.

VIDEO: FedEx Truck Drives Through Flooded Road

What's the highest water you've ever driven through in your estimation?

Truck Driver Rescued From Flood Waters In Iowa

"The officers determined that the driver was trapped inside the cabin in a small air pocket. The officers were able to communicate with the driver and eventually, Officer Bartello, swam underwater through the front windshield to lead the driver out," Halferty stated.

VIDEO: Fearless Driver Crosses River

Check out this video of a driver navigating over a river. Surely there was a bridge nearby, but it shows some great courage to pass over rushing water.

VIDEO: Russian Truck Driver’s Risky Crossing

The first truck makes it across, so the other trucks follow.

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