Tag: Midwest

Truck driver accused of killing officer, kidnapping woman appeared in virtual court with visible injuries and “no access to funds” for a lawyer on Wednesday afternoon.  The virtual court appearance occurred on May 15th as the truck...
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is considering an exemption request from a high school in Washington state that would lower the age requirement for obtaining a commercial learner’s permit (CLP).

Avian Flu Slows Down Trucking In Midwest

A devastating bout of avian flu has shocked midwestern chicken farmers -- and truck drivers are feeling the impact.

Severe Weather Predicted To Rock Plains & Midwest

A severe thunderstorm is predicted to impact the Plains and Midwest tomorrow. Nebraska, South Dakota, and Kansas are looking at threats of thunderstorms and possibly even tornadoes.

Powerful Winter Storm Hitting Upper Midwest

Old man winter is hitting the Midwest hard.

Three Midwest Truck Stops Plug-In

Two truck stops in Nebraska and one in Iowa are getting a major power upgrade. Drivers, find out where you need to go and what equipment you'll need to plug-in to the power grid.

122 Tornados Swept Across 4 States, Killing 5 and Virtually Wiping an Iowa Town off the Map

A destructive storm front ripped its way across the Midwest this weekend. The storm spawned more than 100 tornados, killed 5 and injured many. The storm is working its way north and is said to hit Wisonsin, Minnesota, and Iowa on Sunday.

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