26.1 C
New York

Driver Stabbed In Neck At New Jersey Motel


A 50-year-old Massachusetts truck driver who was on his way to make a delivery at a New Jersey warehouse started having truck issues, so he pulled into the parking lot of the Hampton Inn near Burlington and Mount Holly Road.

The driver called for maintenance assistance and then headed to a nearby Applebees.  An hour later, at approximately 6:00 p.m., he walked back to his truck.

He noticed a man walking along the tree line that runs parallel to the Hampton Inn and Cracker Barrell, NJ.com reported.

“He said he suspected the man was following him, so he began walking around the length of the trailer to put more space between himself and the stranger,” NJ.com reported. 

Moments later, the man hit the driver over the head.  The driver grabbed the assailant’s hair and a struggle began.

The driver says he then felt a sharp pain on the left side of his neck, which caused him to release the attacker’s hair.

The attacker had sliced a three-inch laceration in the driver’s throat.

The driver says he didn’t see a knife and thought the assailant had used a straight razor.

The attacker did not demand any money, nor did he speak during the entire incident, the driver said.

Suspect description:

  • 6’4″, with an athletic build.
  • Matted, long black hair and possible gold or silver front tooth.
  • Clean shaven.
  • Latino or Middle Eastern descent.
  • May have been wearing a Carhart-sytle jacket.
  • Smelled like paprika or a similar spiced odor.

Drivers, if you were in the area on Wednesday night and saw anyone matching this description, please call the Westhampton Township Police at (609) 267-3000. 

The driver’s current condition is unknown.


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