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New York

UPDATE: Trucker arrested for deadly wreck into slowed traffic 


A truck driver has been arrested following a deadly wreck that killed two and sent five others to the hospital in serious condition. 

Indiana State Police report that eastbound traffic on the Indiana Toll Road was slowed due to work on a bridge when the truck driver failed to brake. The semi truck went barreling into a 1997 Geo and pushed it into the median. As a result, a 2013 Cadillac was struck and pushed through the median, while a 2015 Jeep was struck and caught fire. A 2015 Chevy pickup was also hit and rolled, while a 2021 Ford van was pushed into a roadside ditch, reported WANE 15 News.

The truck driver, 26-year-old Chasen Thompson, was arrested for Possession of Marijuana. He was not seriously hurt in the wreck, and has since submitted to a blood draw – the results are pending. No updates on the conditions of the victims have been released.

This Week in Trucking
