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‘A Brief History of Trucker Fights at Breaux Bridge’ video takes a look at an imagined ‘alternate’ trucking history


A well-known trucking content creator has gone viral on TikTok for a hypnotic video series that uses AI to tell the stories of a trucker history that never happened — but might have in a stranger alternate universe.

Texomatic Motor Media has for years created interesting and high quality content for and about the trucking industry. But it’s the eerie TikTok videos created with help from AI tool Midjourney that are getting online attention recently.

A video called “A Brief History of Trucker Fights at Breaux Bridge – 1980” shared by Texomatic earlier this week tells a trucking story so realistic that a local news outlet ran a piece speculating on whether it really happened. The video has been helpfully labeled “fiction,” but as you can see below, it rings almost true.

@texomatic593 “A Brief History of Trucker Fights at Breaux Bridge – 1980” (Fiction) #midjourney #trucking #alternativeuniverse #1970s #1980s #truckerlife ♬ Spooky, Quiet, Scary Atmosphere Piano – Bucyrus Audio

The video has garnered 309,000 views in just a few days. 

The Texomatic TikTok account has other AI-generated alternative trucking history videos that are equally as compelling as the Breaux Bridge Trucker Fights tall tale. The video below imagines a Chicago trucking company in 1970s that made the (nightmarish) decision to require their drivers to wear clown costumes and drive “experimental” circus-themed big rigs.

@texomatic593 The result of a fever dream and visualized via #midjourney #trucking #alternativeuniverse #1970s #truckerlife #Chicago ♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs – Skittlegirl Sound

The video below follows the fate of a 1950s trucking company so high class that the truck drivers all wore tuxedos and three piece suits to impress their elite clientele — even though the fancy duds weren’t very practical for their day-to-day duties.

@texomatic593 (FICTION) A Brief History of High Rollers Motor Freight Lines – 1950’s” #midjourney #trucking #alternativeuniverse #1950s #50s #truckerlife #truckersoftiktok ♬ Luck Be A Lady – Frank Sinatra

You can click here for more Texomatic TikTok videos. 


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