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New York

WATCH: Motorcyclist somehow lives after messing around and finding out


A reckless motorcyclist survives being run over by semi truck and now spends his time educating other bikers after this shocking video footage. 

In the video, the biker is weaving through traffic on a highway at a high rate of speed  when he makes a bad decision and slams into the back of a pickup truck. The collision sends him slumping over the front of his bike and drifting into another lane before he is struck by a semi truck. 

Miraculously, he lived to tell the tale and posted the video himself in an attempt to educate other bikers. 

“My accident from about 4 months ago. I call it an accident but it was clearly my fault. Too much confidence for too little skill. Thankfully made it out alive, and didn’t lose any limbs,” he wrote in the video caption. 

“20+ fractures in my face, broke arm in half in two different places, collapsed lung, broken rib, two fractured spine discs. I’ll be back to ride again one day, but not like I used to. Riding like I did was fun as hell, but I want to have fun for a long time.​​”

“If I were you I’d dedicate the rest of my time showing bikers why they shouldn’t ride like this. It’s fun but just not worth it man. Glad to hear you made it out alive. Don’t take it for granted,” commented one viewer. 

“That’s the plan homie,” he replied. 

“What happened to the trucker that plowed into after the first collision?” someone asked.

“Even though he said it was his own fault, they still would’ve found a way to blame the trucker that hit him at the end lol,” another wrote. 

Watch the truly shocking accident (with a happy ending) below.

Note: Because it is an intense video, NSFW filters have been applied. You may have to click through in order to view.

This Week in Trucking
