
Truck Driver Hits 4 Million Mile Safety Mark

We have done some stories about truck drivers who make a million miles without a safety incident, and a few who have gone a...

Colorado DOT Sets Up Information Kiosks At Truck Stops

The Colorado Department of Transportation installs traffic information kiosks. What does the program offer truck drivers?

Illinois Raises the Stakes for Dangerous Drivers

Illinois lawmakers want to make dangerous drivers a rare threat on the state's highways. Will it be enough to protect truck drivers from distracted and aggressive drivers on the highways?

Statistics on Texting and Driving: An Infographic

Statistics on Texting and Driving: This infographic sheds light on the typical driver you might see texting while driving. Some stats might surprise you!

Trucker Buddy Takes Class to “World’s Busiest Truck Stop”

Read and see what happened during a recent Trucker Buddy field trip to Walcott's Iowa 80 truck stop, and what the 4th grade class thought of the day. Are you a Trucker Buddy?

Maine Stiffens Penalties for Distracted Driving

Maine's governor Paul LePage decided to boost fines related to distracted driving, texting and phone use in cars and trucks.

Infographic: Basics of the Truck Driving Industry

How much does a truck weigh? How far does a Class 8 tractor go? This infographic gives you an idea.

LaHood Calls for Ban on Cell Phone Use For All Drivers

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood called for a federal ban on cell phone use while driving, but others in the industry disagree with him. What do you think? Also, take a look at state-by-state cell phone laws.

Infographic: Truck Driver Myths

There's a lot of misinformation about Truckers out there. Our friends at Trucker to Trucker get to the bottom of it all with this infographic about myths in the trucking industry.

Infographic: The U.S. Trucking Industry

During your day to day drive on our nation's highways, did you ever wonder just how big and important the industry of trucking is? This infographic can give you a good idea.

Swamp People: Season 3

The History Channel hit show, "Swamp People" is in its 3rd season. Meet the cast and find out more about alligator hunting.

How to Prevent Wheel-Offs

Wheel Offs can be extremely dangerous, yet easily avoided. Why do they continue to happen, and how can you avoid them?

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