
VIDEO: Impala Runs Out Of Road To Pass Dump Truck

This Chevy Impala driver thinks he has enough room to pass a dump truck, but he's wrong. Video Credit: mrb2078

VIDEO: Mustang Has Incredible Close Call With Fully Loaded Truck

As a Mustang tries to merge onto I-20 at high speeds in wet conditions, it loses control and skids across both lanes and into...

VIDEO: Mini Doc Captures Late 70’s Diesel Truck Racing

They really don't make them like they used to! This amazing piece of American trucking history is your peek into a bygone era. Travel over...

VIDEO: Lane Splitter Gets Hit By Pickup, So He Does This

A trucker's dash cam captured a white pickup truck appearing to hit a lane splitting motorcyclist deliberately. What the motorcyclist does next is totally unexpected. Video...

VIDEO: Truck Rear Ends BMW

Take a look at this trucker's dash cam video, which shows him crashing into the back of a BMW as they pass the scene...

VIDEO: California Kid Adores Garbage Truck Driver

Watch as a boy from Lake Elsinor, California, watches excitedly as his favorite garbage truck driver puts on a show for him! Video Credit: plokiju

VIDEO: Brave Conductor Races To Warn Passengers Before Train Slams Into Truck

Watch as a conductor manages to get passengers down into a braced position seconds before the train collides with a truck on the tracks! Video...

VIDEO: Texomatic’s ‘”Just” A Truck Driver’

Take a look at this gorgeous and thought provoking video from Tex Crowley -- because "you're not "just" a truck driver, you're the lifeblood...

VIDEO: Truck Clips Cammer’s Mirror And Left Fender

Watch as a truck gives the dash cammer a little love tap. Video Credit: Edwin Lee

VIDEO: NYPD Massacres Illegal Motorcycles With Bulldozers

Take a look as the New York Police Department sends a strong message to the "nitwits" who ride illegal ATVs, mini-bikes and motorcycles, by crushing...

VIDEO: IDOT Truck Drivers Corner And Tackle Man With Pants Around Ankles

Watch as IDOT truck drivers help Chicago police tackle a man with his pants around his ankles on the Dan Ryan Expressway Tuesday morning. Video Credit: PoliceActivity

VIDEO: Pedestrians Have Extreme Close Call With Truck

One of the pedestrians in this video almost loses his life after trying to cross the street in front of a truck. Video Credit: Castanet News

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