Tag: Gun

VIDEO: 7-Year-Old Suspended For Eating Pastry Into Shape of Gun

Second grader eats breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun, school suspends him for two days and send a letter home to all students explaining the incident. Does the punishment fit the crime?

VIDEO: Painful Day At The Shooting Range

A day of target practice turns out to be painful for the guy in this video He's shooting a shotgun (?).

VIDEO: The Luckiest Guy Alive

Video: A man's gun gets jammed. He tries to cock the gun and shoot again and... nothing. He tries again and nothing happens. You won't believe what happens when he looks into the barrel of the gun, trying to figure out why his gun is jammed.

Man Fires Shotgun: What Happens Next?

First uploaded in 2008, this classic clip was also featured on the Jay Leno show. 12-Gauge fun!

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