-5.2 C
New York

Cargo Theft: Most Bizarre Stolen Loads


Truck and cargo theft is on the rise.  According to the FBI, more than $30 billion in cargo is stolen each year.

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, cargo theft is most common at truck stops, parking lots, warehouses and in port cities.

NCIB Statistics:

Top Five States for Cargo Theft:

  1. California
  2. Texas
  3. Florida
  4. Illinois
  5. Tennessee

Top Months For Cargo Theft:

  1. February
  2. August
  3. June
  4. May
  5. March

Most Commonly Stolen Cargo:

  1. Electronics
  2. Other
  3. Food
  4. Clothing
  5. Automotive

*Of Course, not all trucks are stolen for the loads; some are stolen for the truck, however, these are some of the most bizarre stolen loads.


Most Bizarre Stolen Loads

Stolen Soup

It was all “Mm!’Mm! GOOD” until Eusebio Diaz Acosta, 51, of Orlando, got caught and charged with stealing a truck loaded with $75,000 worth of soup from a Florida truck stop.

This Week in Trucking
