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Truck driver admits he was “just really drunk” in afternoon rollover


Truck driver admits he was “just really drunk” in Wednesday afternoon accident that caused his truck to overturn on grassy shoulder. 

The accident happened on April 17th in Washington County, Wisconsin at around 3 p.m. on Interstate 41. 

According to WISN 12, Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis was off- duty driving on I-41 southeast of Slinger when he noticed the semi truck “really having a hard time maintaining the lane of traffic,” he said. Slinger then pulled up next to the trucker to see if he was on his phone or suffering a medical issue.

“I very quickly saw that he was coming into my lane of traffic, so then I needed to take… action and get into the shoulder,” Schulteis said. “He started slowing down. He signaled a lane change to pull off onto the shoulder of the road, and he kept pulling off onto the shoulder of the road and pulled into the grass and then rolled over.”

The driver then had to be extricated from the overturned cab and was given a breathalyzer test. The test showed a blood alcohol level of 0.297 – four times the legal limit for a motorist. 

“When the deputies asked him what happened, he replied that he was just really drunk,” Slinger said.

Luckily, no one was hurt in the incident. The unnamed truck driver was issued a first-offense OWI citation.

This Week in Trucking
