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New York

Mobile App Review: Snapdragonâ„¢ BatteryGuru


unnamedunnamed-2The Snapdragon™ BatteryGuru app is a free option, and an answered prayer to many Android users.

BatteryGuru is a battery life saver application which extends the performance and user experience of the Android phone. It intelligently optimizes functionality which provides a longer battery life – this means that the phone requires fewer charges, which extends the overall life of your phone’s battery!

This application learns the way a user interacts with their mobile device, and alters the functionality based on those trends – at the same time, no disabling of the smartphone’s functionality occurs. It doesn’t even require user configuration, BatteryGuru does it all for you.

After 2-4 days the application has learned the user’s behavior, and will present a notification to the user letting them know that it’s fully ready to begin preserving the battery life of the mobile device. – But it doesn’t stop there. BatteryGuru will continue to learn about the user’s preferences and habits as time passes.


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