0.5 C
New York

Delaware I-813 Bridge Closed On I-495


According to the Delaware DOT, the I-813 bridge on I-495 over the Christina River will be closing immediately.

An inspection was conducted on the bridge, and four of the 37 support columns were found to be tilting as much as 4% out of their vertical alignment.

The bridge officially closes at 6:00 PM, and is expected to have a major impact on I-495 traffic.

Closure begins at Northbound Terminal Avenue, and message boards will announce the closure on I-95, RT 13, and SR 1.

I-495 Northbound traffic will be able to stay on Terminal Avenue, and I-495 Southbound closes at the Pennsylvania State Line, and will be redirected to I-95.

Drivers traveling from South New York may benefit by staying on the New Jersey Turnpike, going to Delaware via the Delaware Memorial Bridge, and then getting back on to I-95.

According to Delaware Transportation Secretary, Shailen Bhatt: “We’re basically letting from Florida to Maine know that this issue is going on in Delaware so that trucking interests can be made aware. You can’t take 90,000 vehicles and just shift them onto 95 and not expect to have an impact.”

ABC News

This Week in Trucking
