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New York

Here’s what you need to know for Hours of Service-focused Roadcheck 2018


This is the first year of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)’s annual International Roadcheck inspection spree since the ELD Mandate went into effect — are you ready?

This year, Roadcheck will be held throughout North America from June 5 — 7. The focus for this year’s Roadcheck campaign will be on Hours of Service regulation compliance. You can click here for more information about Roadcheck 2018.

As this is the first year that many drivers have had to deal with ELDs during Roadcheck, the CVSA has issued a tip sheet to give truckers more information on how to prepare for the inspections. Take a look in the document below.

[su_document url=”https://cvsa.org/wp-content/uploads/HOS-Compliance-Flyer.pdf” width=”1000″ height=”1580″]Trucker’s Letter To Paul Ryan In Washington[/su_document]



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