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Trucker involved with Mexican drug cartel sentenced for transporting nearly $2M in drug profits


A trucker caught smuggling drug money across the country has been sentenced to six years in prison for his involvement with the Mexican drug cartel. 

52-year-old Edgar Serrano was taken into custody on April 17th, 2020, when authorities discovered $1,758,465 worth of drug money hidden inside of his semi truck in Hidalgo County, Texas. He later pleaded guilty on November 2nd, admitting that he transported the $1,758,465 in proceeds from the sale of illegal drugs from Florida to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas as part of a drug smuggling operation headed by the Mexican drug cartel. As part of his plea, Serrano agreed to hand over the $1,758,465 as illegal money obtained from the sale of cocaine.

Police investigation revealed that semi trucks would pick up cocaine in South Texas and haul it to Florida, where it would be sold for cash. Truck drivers like Serrano would then pick up the cash made from selling the cocaine and bring it back to Texas, where it would then be transported back to Mexico for delivery to cartel members. 

On Tuesday, March 9th, U.S. District Judge Fernando Rodriguez Jr. sentenced Serrano to 72 months in prison, immediately followed by three years of supervised release. 

Currently, Serrano is permitted to remain on bond, and will be required to voluntarily surrender to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility once a date and location has been determined.


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