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VIDEO: Who was right in this trucker vs. trucker merge fail?


A trucker’s dash cam captured a major merge fail that resulted in a fender bender.

This week, TikTok user The Florida man iowan shared controversial dash cam video of a trucker’s attempt to merge onto the highway that resulted in a collision.

In the video, the dash cammer is traveling in the right lane of the roadway as a second semi truck approaches on a ramp to merge, with the merge lane ending quickly. The dash cammer doesn’t make room for the merging driver, who then speeds up to try to move in front. The merging driver strikes the dash cammer’s mirror in his attempt to get onto the highway before the merge lane ends completely.

The dash cammer said that he was unable help out the merging driver. “Nope 2 cars then had a semi tailgating me so couldn’t slow down too fast,” he wrote.

Check out the video below.

Some commenters called the accident “preventable” and said that the dash cammer should have let the merging truck in. Others pointed out that it is the responsibility of the merging driver to adjust speed to get on the highway, not the responsibility of traffic already on the road to make room for the merging vehicle.

See what people said about the video below.

  • “why couldn’t this driver just left off the pedal for a few seconds, it’s ok to yield sometimes not gonna make a huge different in time.”
  • “Why not let off the throttle for 15 seconds?”
  • “Not you speeding up when you see him trying to get on.”
  • “their job is to merge. not your job to let them in”
  • “Absolutely preventable all day long.”
  • “Why didn’t you slow down? It may not be law, but it’s courtesy. You’re both big vehicles.”

This Week in Trucking
