Tag: Kansas

Kansas Turnpike Tolls Going Up Soon

Kansas Turnpike tolls are going up. Find out when and how much.

Coughing Fit Causes Driver To Pass Out And Wreck

A truck driver crashes and escapes with his life, but his dog runs away from the crash site. Can you help find him?

Demand for Qualified Truck Drivers Peaks in Kansas

Find out how many jobs have opened up in Kansas, and what type of truck driver they're looking for.

FMCSA Calls 2 Kansas Carriers A Hazard To The Public

Two Kansas carriers have been placed out of service.

Kansas Turnpike Resumes Fueling Services

Fuel returns to the Kansas Turnpike

FedEx Celebrates Champion Truck Drivers

FedEx Freight Division truck drivers had a strong showing at the 2012 Kansas State Truck Driving Championship. Find out who won what inside.

Kansas to Eliminate Motor Carrier Property Tax

Kansas has repealed a costly tax for carriers who operate in Kansas. Find out the new bill that took its place and how much it will cost carriers.

Truck Stop Fellowship– Finding Faith On the Road

Spending time on the road can be lonely, but religious groups are striving to connect people through faith and fellowship.

New “Safety Corridors” Proposed for Kansas

Been stung with a speeding ticket? Kansas is ready to capitalize on your misfortune...

TCA Offers Incentives for Truckers to Lose Weight

Truckload Carriers Association is putting their money where their mouth is regarding obesity and truck driver health. Find out just how much.

The Pre-Trip Inspection | Jan 9 – 15

Get news about issues involving the Trucking and Transportation Industries here all week. Updated daily.

VIDEO: Intermodal On The Move

From our new office in Kansas City, Kansas we have a great view of multiple pieces of the supply chain so we want to share it with you. It works especially well when put to the classic "Yakity Sax."

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