Tag: photo

Stuck Behind A Goofball Driver

We saw this post from ryanwils about getting stuck behind a 'goofball' driver,and knew we had to share!

Oh Sh!t Moments!

We stumbled onto this blooper shot - which captured an automatic trap malfunction, and had to share! Drivers, what's your biggest 'Oh Sh!t!' moment out on the road?

Well Done, Blind Man

Well done, blind man... well done.

… Did That Truck Just Flip Us The Bird?

I think the truck in front of me just flipped me off!


Is this 'towception'? - We must go deeper!

A Little Truck Humor For You…

Here's a little truck humor for you! 🙂

What A Nice Scenic Overlook!

Check out this rig, taking advantage of the beautiful scenic overlook! - Take it all in! 🙂

Photo: Wild Bus Drinking Water From River

This image of a 'wild bus, drinking water from a river' from Reddit user: oPHILcial, gave us a chuckle!

CDLLife Caption Contest: Van In A Van

Time for a CDLLife Caption Contest! Best comment/caption (most likes) gets a prize pack! If you have a photo that’s caption contest-worthy, to [email protected] – we’d love to share it!

CDLLife Caption Contest

Caption with the most likes wins! If you have a photo that’s caption contest-worthy, to [email protected] – we’d love to share it!

CDLLife Caption Contest:

Time for a CDLLife Caption Contest! Best comment/caption (most likes) gets a prize pack!

Video: How To Load a Tank with a Winch

Loading and unloading 25' hydrocarbon bleed tank.

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