Tag: van

A major accident has been reported in Green River, Wyoming, on Friday afternoon. Shortly before 2 p.m. on February 14, the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) announced that both directions of I-80 are closed for a...
Multiple semi trucks were involved in a pile up crash involving 22 vehicles in Washington on Thursday.  The accident happened on Thursday, February 13th at around noon on southbound Interstate 5 in Toledo, Washington.  According to KOMO News,...

VIDEO: Suicidal U-Turn?

A van driver appears to make a no-look U-turn attempt and winds up with 73,000 pounds of truck colliding with the driver's side of...

VIDEO: “People that drive like this kill people”

The dash cammer in a loaded tanker truck comes close to disaster after a van driver erratically passes and then brake checks him for...

VIDEO: Van Driver Isn’t About To Get Stuck Behind A Truck

Who wants to get stuck behind a semi truck? Certainly not this van driver, who passes the offending tractor trailer on double yellows and...

VIDEO: Van Driver Gives Trucker A Baffling Brake Check

The driver of the white van in this video is sure upset about something when he comes to a complete stop in front of...

VIDEO: This Guy Is Lucky That The Truckers Were Paying Attention

When a white van has a blowout and spins out on northbound I-5 through the Grapevine, the motorist is extremely lucky that a trucker...

VIDEO: Who Needs A Truck?

Ah, you, actually. https://youtu.be/LUhDm4Fio_o Video Credit: Richard Krabbendam

VIDEO: Van Driver Battles Flatbed For Position

Neither the white van driver or the flatbed driver is willing to back down as they jockey for position. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eMNVRr3q_w Video Credit: Joost van der Maten

VIDEO: Of All The Times To Decide To Cross The Road…

With literally not another vehicle in sight, the seemingly blind van driver waits for the perfect moment to cross the road in Vidal Junction,...

VIDEO: Motorist Devises Creative Solution For Left Lane Lingerer

Some drivers need a reminder that the left lane is for passing only. See how this creative Jeep driver gets a pokey white van...

VIDEO: Kentucky Van Rollover Crash

After a van violently crashes close to a truck on I-65 in Louisville, watch as motorists and professional drivers work together to make sure that...

VIDEO: Van Slams Into Flatbed

Watch as the silver van loses control, hits the concrete barrier, then crashes into a flatbed truck. https://youtu.be/108M-tVbnOw Video Credit: Peter Pan

VIDEO: SUV Hits Truck To Avoid Lane-Changing Van

Watch as a van makes an unexpected lane change, sending the SUV next to it crashing into the dash cammer's truck! https://youtu.be/108M-tVbnOw Video Credit: david liu

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