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Boy Gifts Fallen Soldier’s Family With Trip To Disney


Boy Gives Family Trip To DisneyWhile most children are busy playing with their toys and making their own wish lists, a selfless Massachusetts boy was busy planning to make another child’s wish list come true.

Nine-year-old  Brenden Haas wanted to do something big for a family of a  fallen soldiers– a trip to Disney!  So the imaginative 9-year-old set up a facebook page called, “Soldier for a Soldier.”

Starting with a toy soldier, Haas traded-up items on the facebook page until he eventually had an entire trip to Disney, complete with $900 in Disney gift certificates, airfare and a Disney hotel stay to donate to one lucky family.

On Memorial Day, Haas drew out the name of the lucky Disney trip winner, two-year-old Liberty Hope Steele.  Her father, Army Lt. Timothy Steele, 25, was killed in Afghanistan.

I think it would make them a lot happier, Brendan Haas said.

Haas’ story touched thousands of people around the country.

“Your heart is in the right place. The world needs more young people like you. May you be richly blessed.
A Proud Army Mom,” Erin McGahuey wrote on the “Soldier for a Soldier facebook wall.”

Another wrote, “You’re a fantastic young human being! I hope people young and old take a lesson from you about thoughtfulness and selflessness. We could use a heck of a lot more people like you.”

With children like Haas leading our future, the world may soon be a better place.


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