-10.3 C
New York

More Drivers Are Going Into Business For Themselves


According to the FMCSA CSA database, the number of active, for-hire drivers rose by more than 10,000 drivers– from 155,249 in February to 166,810.

Some experts believe the growing number of for-hire drivers is the result of over-regulation.  Qualified Carriers reported that carrier regulations have jumped more than 7.5% over the last 14 months. Many believe the shift is also the sign of a growing economy.

Jeff Tucker, CEO of Qualified Carriers, said that he believes many drivers sought the comfort and security of company jobs when the country was in a recession, but now, with the economy on the rise and the driver shortage, drivers are getting back into business for themselves.

To read more about the shift from company drivers to owner-operators and how CSA scores effect the change, read the article in its entirety at Truckinginfo.com.




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