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New York

Presidential Hopeful Visits Delco Trucking


The Pennsylvania Primary is on Tuesday, April 24.  On the eve of the election, Presidential hopeful Mitt Romeny spent part of the day at the Delco Trucking facility in Delaware County.

The former Massachusetts governor was accompanied by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, who many suspect my he Romeny’s running mate.

In his speech, Romney pledged to repeal Obamacare nd the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

If I’m elected, Romney said, I will do everything in my power to stop Obama care in its tracks.  Let me tell you some of things that I’ll do. Number one, I’ll grant a waiver from Obama care to each one of the 50 states. You see, the president has been doing that to his friends.  He grants the waivers to various unions and so forth that supported it, and so I’m going to grant that to all of the states.  Many states will take advantage of this.  Then, I’ll go to work to get it repealed all together.

According to the Delco County Times, Romney criticized President Obama saying, the nation’s unemployment rate has hovered around 8% during his time in office.

Romney told voters, if elected, he would focus on less crippling EPA oversight, more military spending and using America’s vast in-ground energy resources.

I think young voters of this country have to vote for me, Romney said, arguing that there has been an increase in the percentage of college graduates who can’t find work during Obama’s presidency.



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