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New York

Driver Praised For Skillful Driving After Deer Soars Through Windshield


The driver behind the wheel of this rig is receiving praise from the Washington State Patrol for his quick thinking and skillful driving after a deer came through his windshield.

The accident occurred in Tacoma on I-5 on Monday. According to the driver, he had been traveling northbound towards Bridgeport Way when a deer ran across the southbound lanes, and leaped over the barrier. At that moment, the deer struck the front left of the truck, and flew into the cab – landing on the steering column.

Fortunately, the driver was able to pull to the shoulder (avoiding further accidents), and eventually off of the interstate using the Bridgeport exit. According to State Patrol Officer Gill, “This could have been so much worse. Kudos to him for keeping the wherewithal to get the vehicle stopped and pulled over safely… we’re fortunate this wasn’t a major collision.”

The deer did not survive.

Great work, driver!

The Bellingham Herald
The Oregonian

This Week in Trucking
