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Truck Driver Gear: Huckleberry’s Hammer


If you’re looking for the ultimate trucking multipurpose tool, you can’t miss Huckleberry’s Hammer!

Essential Trucking Gear: Huckleberry’s Hammer

Designed by truck driver Mike Wade for other truckers, the tool is lightweight and portable enough to take everywhere, yet durable enough to stand up to life out on the road.

The uses for Huckleberry’s Hammer is nearly endless — it acts as everything from a tire thumper to a hook to pull the fifth wheel release to an aid in opening up the metal flanges on glad-hands. The list goes on! The tool also acts as a powerful weapon against ice and frozen latches and padlocks on your truck. See the website for a complete list of features.

Multitool Sells For Less Than $30

One of the best parts about this multitool is its affordability — you can buy one for under $30 before shipping and taxes. You can even choose between a variety of colors!

Learn More Or Buy Now On Website

To learn more about Huckleberry’s Hammer or to go ahead and buy one today, click here to visit the website.

Take a look as Wade demonstrates the multiple functions of Huckleberry’s Hammers in the video below.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyqwDMF9S0o” width=”700″ height=”500″ responsive=”no”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk9McHAFNXg[/su_youtube]

Video Credit:
Benjamin Wade

This Week in Trucking
