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‘Trooper in a Truck’ patrols taking place in Nebraska this week


As part of this week’s nationwide Operation Safe Driver Week enforcement campaign, the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) is conducting “Trooper in a Truck” patrols.

NSP is taking part in the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) Operation Safe Driver Week taking place now through Saturday, July 15, throughout North America.

NSP announced that Carrier Enforcement troopers are conducting special enforcement efforts in various parts of the state throughout the week as part of Operation Safe Driver Week, and that these special efforts “often include the Trooper in a Truck program, where a trooper will ride with a semi driver to spot dangerous driving behaviors of passenger vehicles around high-profile vehicles.”

“Operation Safe Driver week is about the common goal that we all reach our destination safely,” said Captain Marty Denton, Commander of NSP Carrier Enforcement. “Our troopers work closely with the trucking industry to keep roads safe and prevent serious crashes on our roadways, but we also need passenger vehicle drivers to practice safe driving around large trucks. Working together, we can keep Nebraska roads safe.”

The Wisconsin State Patrol (WSP) is also using Trooper in a Truck patrols as part of Operation Safe Driver Week efforts.

State Police agencies in other states including IllinoisWyoming, and Nebraska, participate in similar Trooper in a Truck details.

This Week in Trucking
