21.8 C
New York

Semi trucks behaving badly ends in serious fender bender for all


Several semi trucks were filmed behaving badly in this dash cam clip that ends in a serious fender bender for all involved. 

In the clip, a lime green semi truck is trying to pass at least two trucks very aggressively by driving in the opposite lane of traffic. 

While the green truck is very obviously in the wrong, the filming driver in the red truck isn’t right either, as they clearly aren’t in the mood to back off and give the green truck space to do what it will. 

The green truck seems like it’s finally about to pass the filming truck and the white rig up ahead when it finally encounters some oncoming traffic and slams on the brakes before clipping the white truck in front and possibly also the filming driver. It’s not clear if the rig hit any of the stopped cars, but it was definitely a fender bender that ruined the days of several people. 

Watch the bad decisions all around, below.


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