Truck Driver Tales

A Second Trip Down Memory Lane (Highway)

At the ripe young age of 60, I am returning to truck driving after a 6 year absense.

10 Of The World’s Most Notorious Serial Killers

Recently, we addressed the issue of the furthering of the negative stereotypes and stigmas in relation to the truck driving community: Film & Literature...

Film & Literature Further Negative Stereotypes About Drivers

The interesting thing about popular culture - be it through the vessels of film or literature is that it's supposed to broaden the minds of viewers. Oftentimes - it fails miserably and solidifies negative stereotypes.

10 Of The Nation’s Longest Tunnels

Think you've driven through some or all of the nation's longest tunnels? We've found ten of the longest - let us know how many of them you've seen for yourself!

Drivers Share Their Scariest, Most Bizarre Trucking Moments

Read about some crazy, gross, funny, scary and bizarre trucking tales. They will make you laugh, cringe and give you chills. You're welcome and I'm sorry.

Real-Life Ice Road Trucker Describes Ice Road Driving Adventures

Meet a real-life ice road trucker and read about his adventures.

VIDEO: A Truckers Christmas

A trucker prays for a safe return to his family for the holidays in song.

Infographic: Truck Drivers And The Truth About Christmas

Santa's sweet, but truck drivers are true Christmas heroes.

VIDEO: The Custom One Man Peterbilt Truck Model

One man built himself the ultimate trucker toy in his garage.

VIDEO: Tribute To Trucking Companies Of The Past

A tribute to closed trucking companies.

My CDLLife: CDLLife Readers Section Revealed

Share your stories, tips, creativity and talent with CDLLife.

Truck Driver Helps Motorist, Receives Highway Angel Award

Another truck driver earns a Highway Angel Award for his selfless actions.

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