Tag: DOT

Go Ahead, Drop the F-bomb. It May Actually Be Good For You.

Turns out, dropping those colorful expletives may be good for you. The next time your boss tells you to, "watch your language," show him or her this article.

Trucking News Central | March 19th

Get a weekly run down of important trucking and transportation industry topics in CDLLife's video broadcast of Trucking News Central.

TWIC Fingerprint Security Proposed for DHS Ruling

Dept. of Homeland Security wishes to make the TWIC fingerprint port trucking program into a regulation ruling. Find out what this would mean for carriers and budgets.

This Week’s Trucking News Central Weekly News Recap

This week on Trucking News Central...

$109 Billion Transportation Bill Still Being Debated

If Democrats and Republicans can't agree on the new Surface Transportation Bill by March 31st, job losses could be devastating.

ATA and OOIDA Challenge on EOBR Ruling

Today the ATA joined the OOIDA in a legal challenge regarding the FMCSA's new ruling on voluntary EOBR devices.

New HOS Rules: Visual Examples for Truckers

This article has a link to the FMCSA's new online tutorial about how to fill out your logbooks to avoid violating the new HOS rules.

D.C. House Compromising 2012 Surface Transportation Bill

The 2012 Surface Transportation Bill goes through yet another revision phase.

DOT Says Cross-Border Program Failing

This week DOT officials met with trucking representatives in Tijuana to discuss why the Mexican Pilot Program is failing.

Homeland Security Chief Questioned about Mexican Pilot Program

When will the official guidelines of the Mexican Pilot Program mandated by NAFTA be presented and approved? The dilemma continues.

Trucking News Central – Feb. 17th Broadcast

Our Trucking News Central broadcast for Feb. 17th. Our host, Shirley Norris covers important topics surrounding trucking and transportation.

Transportation Groups Petition Senate Against New Tollroads

The ATA, AAA and many other industry and safety groups are opposed to new tolling charges cleared in the new Surface Transportation Bill. Find out who else is against it.

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