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Best Car Chases on Film: Terminator 2


Best Truck Chases on Film Terminator 2
Perhaps just a few more rounds…

Car chases are a staple of Hollywood action. Truck chases? Not as often, but still happens from time to time. In this series, we’ve covered the grandaddy of all car chases, some classic contenders from the 70s, 80s and the 90s. Even some stunt test footage with trucks. But this episode may feature the most complex and tricky logistics to this day for truck stunts.

Terminator 2 Collectors Edition DVD
Buy Terminator 2: Judgement Day on DVD

Come to think of it – there aren’t actually any cars in this sequence involved in the chase. Ah well, no time to stop now.

In 1991, Terminator 2: Judgement Day was released to huge box office returns. It’s twisting story line, likeable characters and ground-breaking special effects thrilled audiences and critics alike. It was nominated for 6 Academy Awards, and won 4 including Best Visual Effects, Best Sound/Sound Editing and Best Makeup Effects.

In this action sequence, the upgraded Terminator model, the T-1000, has found his target – a young John Connor who barely escapes on some puny dirtbike, only to see that the T-1000 found a spare 1987 Freightliner FLA 9664 and is not at all concerned about the suspension system.

As it so happens, one of the stunt truck drivers we like to feature, Mike Ryan, is the driver of the doomed Freightliner in this sequence. He certainly earned his money. Rumor has it that director James Cameron used up five of these big boys to get all the shots just right.

Anyway – enough chit chat. Let’s get to it. One of the best truck chases on film in Hollywood history! Enjoy, truck drivers!

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/dnM7mFX8D_4″ playlist=”Terminator 2 Truck Chase” title=”Best%20Car%20Chases%20on%20Film%20Terminator%202″ width=”450″ height=”288″]

This Week in Trucking
