-0.2 C
New York

Dog Survives 11-Mile Ride On Car’s Grill


Lucky Dog A lucky poodle-mix survived a ride in a car’s grill from Massachusetts to Rhode Island.

According to East Providence Animal Control Supervisor William Muggle, the driver of a Toytoa sedan was traveling along Route 44, going approximately 50 mph, when a small dog ran into his path.  The driver slammed on his brakes and checked his rear-view mirror for the dog but did not see it in the roadway.

Muggle says the driver assumed he had not ran over the dog; however, unbeknownst to the driver,  the small poodle-mix had become lodged in the car’s grill.

The driver continued on his path to Rhode Island. When he reached East Providence, another motorist alerted the driver of the dog’s presence.

“The driver went to the police station, where animal control officials freed the fluffy white pooch. The dog suffered a concussion and possibly a minor bladder rupture,” Fox News reported.

Authorities are now searching for the dog’s owners.

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/2ZTwgL_NUKU” width=”500″]

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