-0.7 C
New York

Maine Toll Hike Approved


Toll Hike Approved The bad news is the Maine toll hike was approved.  The good news is it was’t increased as much as initially anticipated.

Effective November 1, 2012, the toll will increase by 40% for cash payments and a penny a mile for EZ Pass users.

“Truckers currently are saddled with a rate that pays four times the toll that passenger vehicles pay for a full-length trip. It was proposed to raise that even more (4.25), but the board decided to preserve the current “multipliers” for commercial users and keep the current discount system,” Land Line Magazine reported.

That means, trucks will pay a rate four times higher than cars.

“OOIDA believe that tax credits should be made available for fuel already purchased for miles driven on the turnpike,” the magazine reported.

The toll increase is expected to pull in an extra $21.1 million a year.

This Week in Trucking
