Truck drivers put a lot of stress on their legs and lower back because they sit in the driver’s seat for hours at a time. Over months and years, this can cause serious aches, pains and even bone and spine deformity if not carefully monitored.
Inventor Preston Willingham decided to find out if there was a low-cost, effective design he could make that would give aching backs and legs the world over a break. The result of months of medical and design research is known as BackJoy.
Register to win a BackJoy Posture+ Comfort Seat below before Sept. 19th!
The idea at the core of the BackJoy comfort seat is encouraging your body to sit correctly, yet comfortably. The way the design is weighted and formed makes you want to stop hunching forward, putting pressure on the lower third of your spinal column and the nerves it contains, and pushing the lower spine forward. This helps your frame naturally support your weight, while allowing better blood flow to your lower body.
You begin to feel better because your pelvis is free floating and utilizing a lot of the soft tissue that is surrounding it becomes a support structure and allows your pelvis to feel light – almost as if you are standing. This is why the BackJoy actually is a complete solution to the problem of sitting down. This technology is definitely not just a simple cushion.
The BackJoy line of posture seats comes in 3 different models – the Relief, the Relief+ and the Posture+. All models can support weights of up to 300 lbs and can be used every day.
If you want to find out more about the BackJoy comfort seats and find a dealer near you, just visit this link.
This week, we’re giving a BackJoy Posture+ model seat to one lucky truck driver. Just fill out the form below to register, and we’ll announce the winner on Wednesday Sept. 19th here and at our Facebook wall.
Good luck truckers!
Watch this video to see more about how the BackJoy works.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/N7v3bbQshL0″ playlist=”BackJoy Seat Cushion” title=”BackJoy%20posture%20correction%20for%20Truckers” width=”450″ height=”320″]
[gravityform id=”4″ name=”Win a BackJoy Comfort Seat”]