Whenever we travel to trucking conventions, we get to see winners of show truck competitions, and winners for industry influence or highway safety who are being recognized. But we don’t really get to take the time out to see competitions based on trucking skill. So when we get a strange video like this submitted to us, well, consider our interest piqued.
This was a winning run in the 2011 Transfer Dump Race competition at Toyota Raceway just outside of Los Angeles, CA during the annual Truckin’ For Kids benefit event. The goal of the Truckin’ for Kids all volunteer crew and the truckers who participate in the Truck Drags is to raise money to provide various children’s charities with funds to help kids in need. The charities and funds range from assistance to abused children to educational scholarships for kids with exceptional scholastic merit and financial need.
This year’s show begins on October 6th. Visit this page to find out more about the event and how to attend.
So with that in mind, let’s have a look at Mark Tarascou’s winning run using his Pete 359 in the quick transfer dump competition. Anyone else done this?