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VIDEO: Snow Plow Driver Is Fired After Releasing This Footage


A snow plow driver in Lowell, Massachusetts by the name of “Dogg” was recently fired after posting a video of himself burying parked cars in the snow. Not only was he burying vehicles, and filling the ends of driveways with massive snow piles – he seemed to rather enthusiastic as well.

The driver stated, “At the end of the storm, I was already up for about 22 hours plowing and I decided to make a video of my favorite part of the day, which is when you push the snow banks back to the curbs…” “It’s also the part of the day that the people shoveling their driveways absolutely want to kill me.”


Prior to his termination, the driver stated that he was only doing his job and that if he was just seeking whatever enjoyment that he could get out of it. He also said, “My boss loves me! I’ve been a truck driver for 30 years. I’m doing my job. I’m not doing anything malicious.”

However, the Lowell City Manager didn’t seem to agree. Bernie Lynch responded to the footage with the following statement, “The words stupid, moronic – those certainly apply. It was truly just a bad reflection on the hard work that so many people do.”

Although “Dogg” is no longer employed with the city of Lowell, he may not be seeking work for very long. He has told several news sources that he has been contacted by production companies about potentially staring in a reality television series.

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Only time will tell.

The Blaze

This Week in Trucking
