8 C
New York

Man Fired For Using Forklift To Retrieve Twix From Malfunctioning Vending Machine


There’s nothing quite like inserting that last handful of quarters into a malfunctioning vending machine. You stand there, empty-handed feeling taunted, used, and disappointed as the candy bar you were after dangles from the unforgiving spiral it’s perched upon. We’ve all been there…

One Iowa worker found himself in the same situation earlier this year, and decided to do something about it.

Here’s the story:

Robert McKevitt, a warehouse worker at Polaris Industries deposited $1 into a vending machine when it malfunctioned – leaving his Twix bar stuck on its shelf.

Frustrated, he inserted another dollar – banging on the side of the machine.

The Twix didn’t budge.

Determined, McKevitt took matters into his own hands. Within a few short moments, he returned to the machine with an 8,000-pound forklift.

McKevitt then used the forklift to repeatedly lift and drop the vending machine.

After six jarring readjustments, three candy bars were ejected from the machine.

Five days later, McKevitt was terminated without entitlement to unemployment benefits.

McKevitt denied using the forklift to lift the machine. Instead, he claimed to have only used it to move the vending machine back into place after shaking it. According to McKevitt, “That machine was trouble. They fired me, and now I hear they have all new vending machines there.”

The Wichita Eagle
New York Daily News
Washington Free Beacon


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