Remember back when the researchers suggested that truck drivers might be doomed to an early death because sitting all day takes years off your life?
Turns out, they may have been wrong.
In the past, researchers believed that sitting for a long period of time caused people to die sooner because sitting slowed their metabolism. However, a new study from the International Journal of Epidemiology found that sitting is not associated with an increased risk of death. The study, which followed over 5,000 volunteers for 16 years, found that there was little metabolic difference between sitting and standing — good news for truck drivers who don’t always have much choice about how much time they spend sitting.
Researchers found that as long as you are otherwise physically active, sitting in your truck for prolonged periods isn’t inherently bad for your health. So long as you make time to exercise and move, your health doesn’t have to suffer.
The Washington Post
NY Mag
Web MD