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Sinking I-65 Bridge Costing Truckers Big Time


Closing 50 miles of I-65 in Lafayette, Indiana is costing truckers significant time and money, according to transportation experts.

Closed Bridge Becoming Costly

The stretch of I-65 closed last week after sinking 9 inches and the Indiana Department of Transportation has no idea when it is expected to reopen, which is bad news for truck drivers and trucking companies.

8,000 trucks used the bridge every day, according to INDOT. Barbara Hunt of the Indiana Motor Truck association says that the bridge closure is costing each of those trucks an extra hour, which is costing carriers at least $67.

But carriers are reporting varying extra costs. One trucking company reported spending an extra $15 to $20 per load, while others report spending an extra $50 t0 $100 per run.

One carrier even reported that the delays are costing them an extra $250 per trip.

No Plan In Place To Repair Bridge

And traffic delays obviously hit truck drivers right in the pocketbook — if drivers aren’t moving, they aren’t making money. And if the delays are long enough, drivers may arrive after businesses are closed, resulting in a more costly next day delivery.

There is no end in sight for the bridge closure. According to the State Highway Commissioner, Indiana doesn’t even have a plan in place yet: “it will probably be later in the week before we really get our arms around some of the more viable solutions.”


USA Today
Indianapolis Star
Lafayette Journal & Courier

This Week in Trucking
