-4.1 C
New York

Mother’s Day Make A Wish Convoy Date Announced


The date for the 27th annual Mother’s Day Make a Wish Convoy has been announced.

The convoy will take place on Sunday, May 8 from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Last year, almost 400 trucks participated in the Convoy.

Not only do the convoy’s organizers hope to raise funds for the Make a Wish Foundation, they also hope to win back the Guinness Book of World Records title for world’s longest convoy, which is currently held by the Netherlands. Organizers hope to draw out 500 trucks to beat the Netherlands 416 trucks.

The deadline for online registration is April 20, 2016.

Learn more about participating in the convoy by clicking here.

This Week in Trucking
