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New York

Nebraska State Police Conduct Surprise Truck Inspection Blitz


Nebraska State Troopers teamed up with police in Lincoln to conduct a surprise semi truck inspection blitz yesterday.

Inspectors Placed Almost Half Of Trucks Out Of Service

Police performed 104 commercial vehicle inspections yesterday during the campaign. On those 104 trucks, they found 384 violations, including brake problems and bad tires. The inspectors placed 45 trucks out of service.

Nebraska police also placed four truck drivers out of service for not having a valid CDL.

Officers also issued $7,315 in fines.

More Surprise Inspections In Store For This Fall

Police say that they plan to have more surprise inspection blitzes during the fall all across the state of Nebraska and that they plan to try to target trucks that would not normally pass through weigh stations.


This Week in Trucking
