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Here are the states that are fighting back against ELDs


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s electronic logging device (ELD) mandate has become one of the trucking industry’s most controversial regulations — and several states are taking action to fight back against it.

Six States Working To Undermine Federal ELD Regulations

So far, at least six states have introduced legislation that would work to undermine the ELD Mandate that went into effect in December of 2017. These states are Tennessee, Missouri, Wyoming, Idaho, Alabama, and South Dakota.


In Tennessee, lawmakers are at work advancing a bill that would prevent the use of state funds for ELD regulation enforcement. The law was brought forth by Rep. Dale Carr and was assigned to the state’s Transportation Subcommittee earlier this month.


In Missouri, Rep. Mike Moon introduced HB 2437, which would forbid “the implementation, enactment, promulgation, codification, or enforcement of any law, rule, or regulation that requires drivers of commercial motor vehicles to utilize electronic logging devices.” The bill has not yet advanced to the House Calendar.


Wyoming lawmaker Wyatt Agar has introduced SF 0092, which would work by “specifying that federal rules requiring electronic logging devices are not required under Wyoming law; preventing Wyoming officers from enforcing specified federal requirements.” The bill as eighteen co-sponsors and has been referred the Transportation Subcommittee.


Idaho’s Sen. Mark Harris has asked the FMCSA to permanently extend a 90 day exemption from ELD requirements for livestock haulers. In an op-ed on the bill, Harris writes:

“Managing driving time for livestock haulers is crucial to getting livestock to their destination within a timely manner. Drivers often wait for hours before they can load and get on their way. This time spent waiting, uses up time they could be driving. The US Department of Transportation has given livestock haulers a 90-day exemption. We are finding out other independent owner operators and businesses that haul things besides livestock are also running into problems with the federal mandate. The cost alone can put a burden on a small trucking company. As a result, some of us in the Idaho Legislature are working on contacting the Federal Department of Transportation and the US Congress to get rid of the federal mandate. We will do all we can here in Idaho to help with this issue.”


Alabama’s Rep. Johnny Mack Morrow has asked the FMCSA for review of current ELD and Hours of Service Regulations and for flexibility in regulations, particularly for truckers hauling agricultural products.

South Dakota

In South Dakota, numerous lawmakers have called on the FMCSA to reverse the ELD Mandate and to work with the trucking industry to come up with a reasonable solution for modifying existing regulations.



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