-4.1 C
New York

Reckless BMW driver punishes truck drivers with multiple brake checks


A BMW driver with an apparent death wish is caught on camera delivering multiple brake checks on a Pennsylvania highway.

The incident reportedly occurred on October 19, 2019, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The dash cammer writes:

“I was traveling Northbound on Interstate 79 on a sunny Saturday afternoon near Bridgeville. The BMW driver passed the truck, crossing into the exit lane, then cut over into my lane and brake checking me first. Next, the BMW decided to go into the left-hand land to perform the same maneuver on the other truck and then doing it again to me causing me to swerve into the left lane almost rolling my loaded truck over on its side. The BMW sped away. My truck loaded weighs about 74,000 lbs, which can’t be stopped on a dime like most cars.”

You can view the dash cam clip below.

This Week in Trucking
