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New York

Truck driver shares personal videos of how ‘COVID almost took me out’


Truck driver, Alex Mai, took to social media to tell the story of his close call with COVID-19.

Mai posted about his symptoms and experience on his Youtube page last week.

“I’ve lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. I got my test results back and I tested positive for Covid,” said Mai in a post update. “I have never felt this shitty in my life and I don’t wish this on my worse enemy.”

“I’m just here to tell you it is real and please protect your health,” said Mai in his video as he began to recover.

Watch more of Mai’s story with COVID-19 below.

In a Tik Tok posted on July 24, Mai continued to plead with viewers to be more cautious and to start wearing masks in public.

“It ain’t no joke man. Wear your mask and wear gloves if you can. I know when we go into truck stops and we see no truckers wearing masks and nothing, but I’m here to tell you that you don’t want what I got.”

Truck drivers like Mai continue to be exposed to COVID-19 at a high rate, as as their essential work requires them to travel across the country’s hot spots for the disease.

Many states have announced statewide orders requiring masks to be worn in public in an attempt to slow the spread of the disease.

The Center for Disease Control has posted what truck drivers need to know about COVID-19 on their website.


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