A whopping 79% of truck drivers may still be experiencing issues getting food while out on the road, a recent poll reveals.
The poll, conducted by CDLLife on the CDLLife App, asked drivers to share their experience getting food at truck stops recently and received 465 responses from truck drivers across the country. Of those 465, a whopping 79% responded ‘yes’ to the question ‘Are you having a hard time getting dinner because truck stop restaurants are short-staffed and closing early?’ The remaining 21% of respondents answered ‘no.’
In fact, according to the TA Travel Centers of America website, of the 155 TA restaurant locations listed, 41 of these are still officially closed as a result of COVID19 – that’s 26% of all TA restaurant locations that are no longer serving the truck drivers of America. These stats do not account for TA restaurant locations that are beginning to close early due to staffing issues.
“Most of the truck stops have either closed their restaurants or shortened their operating hours. Hard to get a sit down meal anymore…” lamented one truck driver and CDLLife App user.
“Most big chain truck stops have closed their restaurants,” added another. “I can still find some restaurants open in smaller areas.”
“I work hard, truck stops are my home, and I can’t even get a decent meal most days,” commented a third.
Many drivers also took to the comments to share the specifics of packing food and cooking in the truck as a way to keep themselves fed.
As it turns out, CDLLife App members aren’t the only drivers experiencing this issue. When posed the same question, 85% of CDLLife Tik Tok respondents answered that ‘yes,’ they had the same trouble with restaurants closing early.
What have you noticed while trying to get a hot meal OTR? Let us know about your recent truck stop experiences in the comments. Please take care of yourselves out there.